In anticipation of the creation of a digital cinematographic production with the sixty
four animated characters, we wrote this draft in order to bring them on stage.
It's also possible to develop a novel from this beautiful legend.
As will say "Olga" !
The Legend of "The Nymphs of the Atlantide"
Odo was a girl from another place. She landed on the morning of a full moon, at the moment when the sea is unleashed, when the animals hide and the palm trees are frightened by the wind passing through them.
She appeared along the main road of a small fishing village, at the precise moment of the cosmic union with the elements which creates so much agitation in the land.
A girl from another place
She wore black pants, a black blouse with a round neck and two knots in her hair. She was blonde and slender and the people of the village wondered where this blonde girl came from, all of them being dark!
She smiled at everyone and walked to the beach as if she knew exactly where she was going, and as she walked she looked at the sea, the seagulls, the dunes. As she was walking, an old man appeared in the distance, coming toward her. She allowed him to approach her, and he introduced himself by extending his hand. "Don Augusto," he said kindly.
It was strange to meet someone on this deserted beach ...It seemed to come from the depths of time ...
He was very thin and tall with fine features. His hair was a bright white and his eyes emanated a unique light. To be in his gaze was to suddenly feel a heart full of love.
"Hello," answered Odo, smiling with her pretty little teeth. After welcoming her, Don Augusto took her back to town, holding her by the hand. Odo felt loved and protected and did not understand how or why, but she surrendered to it.
They came to Doña Delfina , the granddaughter of Don Augusto, who was already a grandmother. She opened her arms to her. It was as if it had all been pre-arranged.
Doña Delfina seemed unaware of her grandfather's presence and welcomed Odo as another little girl for her to raise, without questioning. And so, although it was never known where Odo came from, she was quickly accepted in the town because she was so young. Little by little, Odo joined all the activities of the other girls in town, but always in silence. Only her laughter could be heard sometimes, which poured out like a sun, warming everyone around her.
She left every afternoon to walk alone on the beach and brought small fragments of shells which soon filled the house. Odo did not understand Mayan and would simply smile to the other villagers.They, in turn, welcomed her without questions.
One night, she returned from the beach with the same brightness in her eyes as Don Augusto.
Something had happened...
On the Beach
For the first time, she approached another child of the family who was her age and asked him, with gestures, to teach her his language.
Jess, who was as small as her, with dark hair and black eyes, looked at her, amazed that she was addressing him. After all the months of everyone being content to only look at her and smile at her, like a fragile and mysterious doll, it was now he who had the privilege of talking to her.
He got up from his hammock where he’d been sitting, and as fast as lightning took her hand to go out into the garden in front of the house to show her the flowers and name each one.
Enchanted, Odo continued her lessons in the Mayan language each day, and she and the boy never left each other’s side.
They had found a friend!
The boy would wait for her to help her carry the gallons of water that had to be brought from the fountain in the center of town. He showed her where they had to collect sticks to make the fire and heat the water to cook the corn.
They walked through the town and Jess named each thing, each palm tree, each leaf, and she closed her eyes with each new word as if she were concentrating on swallowing each sound.
Soon Odo could talk to the townspeople. Then the love that she sought flourished in her and allowed her to reveal her secret. At dawn one morning, Odo, without saying a word, began to gather all her small pieces of shells that were carefully placed along the walls of the house.
She sat down with a large box filled with the shells and remained for a long time with her eyes closed in a kind of prayer. Then she opened them and began to work. It took a whole day to make her first creation appear, which she immediately baptized "Come out of nowhere.
All the people gathered around her, wondering at so much beauty and imagination! How could she do it? Where did she learn?
Impressed by so much interest in her little nymph, she revealed her secret and told them the legend of the "The Nymphs of the Atlantide".
The trial began
The trial began - "The full moon was still high in the starry sky when POSEIDON walk in, red with anger!
He had left his palace and come to find his brothers on Mount Olympus where he had summoned a meeting of the Disciplinary Council, but only DIONYSUS the one born for the second time",had arrived, by surprise as always, with a cup of nectar in his hand and accompanied by his wife.
But this time, Ariane had been the instigator of this adventure! ZEUS, HADES, known at that time as "the invisible", soon appeared his wife Persephone, daughter of Zeus and APHRODITE.
The Judgement
How dared they, to make such an affront?
How could these Oceanides believe that anything and everything was allowed to them!
The rules were clear! In no case were they permitted to face a human.
Nérée, the "old man of the sea" and father of Nereid's Poseidon procession was present at the scene.
These two imprudent ones appeared before two mortals on a distant Atlantic coast !
DIONYSUS tried to minimize the facts, but there was nothing to do, the nymphs of Atlantis were condemned to terrible punishment: they were condemned to roam the ocean with their faces erased and their bodies broken in small pieces until a pure heart among the children of mortals, reconstituted them by discovering and pronouncing their names! But they would never find their faces !
- "But it's impossible!" Sylphide said so loudly that everyone turned!
Poseidon glared at her and declared:
"- It will be Nérée's task!" Help them find this little girl with a pure heart to recover your identity. "!
- "And now this is enough!" Poseidon hit his trident on the ground !
When he did so, the faces of the nymphs in the room began to fade. A gigantic earthquake shook the earth and Atlantis began to disappear forever. HADES feared the vault of the underworld would collapse....
But Nérée was absolutely delighted ! Finally something fun to do !
Only Ariane, among Proserpine, Cybele, Cascabel, Dulcinea, Ines, Ophelia, Pythonisse and Sylphide who were present at the announcement of the sentence, remained serene.
Everyone cried out with amazement as they touched their faces, now only a small ball.
With a jump, Ariane threw herself through a window, down through the surrounding clouds and landed full of hope in the Aegean sea. She pulled her thread connected with the nymphs who were still in shock, but still had the gift of being able to metamorphose....
Poseidon turned his back, and left at decided and dry pace !The session was adjourned. There were many murmurs about the severity of the sentence, but none could interfere with it.
The god of the sea had all the power over his kingdom.
The Verdict
As Odo finished her story, there was a great silence. The villagers tried to understand.
- Odo? Asked Jess. Are you the pure hearted girl ? Odo laughed and nodded, then gave her first creation to the grandmother sitting in front of her, then ran to the beach, leaving the villagers to wonder at everything they had heard. Where did she come from? How did she know all this at her age? Who told her this story? And what if it were true? What did all this mean for the villagers?
Everyone went home with a head full of questions.
They all went to bed, the children each in his hammock and the parents together in a small adjoining room. As they usually went to bed at the same time with the sun, sometimes dreams took a long time to come. But tonight they had new dreams.
And so it continued for many months. Odo continued her creations, sitting cross-legged in a corner of the room, placing her small pieces of shells that she gradually transformed into a character, working with such focus and attention that it was as if she could not see anyone else. She always pronounced the names of each new character with absolute certainty, and each one came with its own story.
The town grew happy and lively, as if the fact that all this was happening here had opened up an entirely new horizon!
And so they were chosen to receive this special girl and so she gave them all a new reason to live a new dream.
"Chosen by whom?" Jess asked.
Each one kept his answer with bright eyes, as if everyone knew it in the depths of his heart.